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ENERGY EVENT SERIES: The Lattice Evolves Again! Core Wisdom & Freedom Spirals - A Master Activation Series (English/Spanish)

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The Lattice Evolves Again! Core Wisdom & Freedom Spirals - A Master Activation Series - a three-part, nine-session webinar series.

The Universal energies of 2020 are calling on us to build new foundations for the first 12 years of a larger 35-year cycle. This opportunity for a new beginning is one of the major reasons we chose our time to incarnate here!

Individually and collectively, we are ready to activate the energies of Core Wisdom and Freedom Spirals. The 24 Freedom Spirals are new energy patterns we will use with all 24 Fibers of the Lattice.

As always, in this series we will activate, co-create and resonate in the energy of Infinite Love. Your Lattice is radiating more energy, more life, as you are ready to know and become even more of who you are. This is an auspicious time for humanity to live life with greater energetic awareness. There are many in our global family of humanity who are ready for this new way of living and communicating.

This webinar series is presented in nine 90-minute segments (live or recorded).

Prerequisites: none - open to all

Saturdays January 18, 25, February 1 | 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST
Saturdays February 15, 22, 29 | 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST
Saturdays March 14, 21, 28 | 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT

NEXT WEBINAR: Session 9: Evolving Foundations & Freedom Spirals, Phoenix Style!
Saturday March 28th 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT

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The Lattice Evolves Again! Core Wisdom & Freedom Spirals
A Master Activation Series:

“Core Intelligence & Intuition Freedom Spirals, Phoenix Style!”
Saturdays January 18, 25, February 1
- Tuition: $155.00

“Evolving Potentials & Freedom Spirals, Phoenix Style!”
Saturdays February 15, 22, 29 &
“Evolving Foundations & Freedom Spirals, Phoenix Style!”
Saturdays March 14, 21, 28
- Tuition: $310.00

Bundle of all 9 Sessions:
- Tuition: $444 ($465 value)

Payment plans available »

If you choose to participate in all 9 sessions of the series, you will receive a Certificate of Recognition as a Master Activator for this very special series.

ENERGY EVENT SERIES: The Lattice Evolves Again! Core Wisdom & Freedom Spirals - A Master Activation Series (English/Spanish)

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Live starting on January 18th, ending on March 28th. Can’t make it live? All sessions will be recorded ...

“The Lattice Evolves Again! Core Wisdom & Freedom Spirals - A Master Activation Series”

Peggy Phoenix Dubro

Dear Ever Evolving Co-Creator,

Heart to Heart Holiday Blessings and Congratulations for completing a most dynamic decade! Our transformation and evolution is sure to continue. Are you ready? The Lattice, thankfully, continues to evolve!

At the beginning of this December, I asked my heart if I would like a better balance of my intellect and intuition. I searched within the wholeness of my being, wondering if I could initiate or be in tune with new ways of multidimensional reasoning. I became aware of an invitation: the Universal energies of 2020 are calling on us to build new foundations for the first 12 years of a larger 35-year cycle. This opportunity for a new beginning is one of the major reasons we chose our time to incarnate here! Perhaps, like me, you would like to make the best use of the wisdom gained from all your life experiences. Using this wisdom to make the most enlightened choices to build the next exciting part of your life’s journey is deeply appealing to me. I feel this cycle change is like being born again and remembering all we need to know.

The energies within my Universal Calibration Lattice responded almost immediately. My experiences have been intense, and the messages are clear. Individually and collectively, we are ready to activate the energies of Core Wisdom and Freedom Spirals. The 24 Freedom Spirals are new energy patterns we will use with all 24 Fibers of the Lattice. It is also of interest to know the numbers 3, 6 and 9 are present in all of the patterns we will use in this Master Activation Series.

As always, in this series we will activate, co-create and resonate in the energy of Infinite Love. Your Lattice is radiating more energy, more life, as you are ready to know and become even more of who you are. This is an auspicious time for humanity to live life with greater energetic awareness. There are many in our global family of humanity who are ready for this new way of living and communicating.

Each one of us is here in this time of the Great Evolution, and we are ready to co-create, express and live the most profound and transforming beliefs of our new reality. The Freedom Spirals within your Lattice activate your abilities and potentials to live as a wholehearted example of the wise multidimensional Being you truly are. The Freedom Spirals are a personal gift from Universal Consciousness. Collectively, we continue to activate the new foundations for the new Earth by radiating our presence as the new humans. We are unique and united . . . now more than ever this state of Being is welcomed, personally and universally.

Please take a few moments of your precious time to read the brief descriptions about this new master series below. May they resonate with “the more” of who you are.

Joyfully in the Energy of Infinite Love,
Peggy Phoenix Dubro

PS: Ahnya - the light Being guide and sponsor of the Universal Calibration Lattice - will be present to give guidance and information throughout the entire series. She has the most interesting and delightful way of being more present when she chooses!! Note: I no longer say I channel Ahnya, as it seems we channel each other.

ENERGY EVENT SERIES - “The Lattice Evolves Again! Core Wisdom & Freedom Spirals - A Master Activation Series”

Presented by Peggy Phoenix Dubro

PART ONE: Saturdays January 18, 25, February 1 | 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST
PART TWO: Saturdays February 15, 22, 29 | 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST
PART THREE: Saturdays March 14, 21, 28 | 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT

Presented in English with Spanish translation
This three-part, nine session course includes 9 video recordings and access to private Facebook support page1

Energy Events:

The Lattice Evolves Again! Core Wisdom & Freedom Spirals
A Master Activation Series
PART ONE: “Core Intelligence & Intuition Freedom Spirals, Phoenix Style!”

Session 1: Core Intelligence & Intuition Freedom Spirals, Phoenix Style! (Recorded)
Saturday January 18th 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST

Experience and Co-Create! Initial Activation for YOU.

Activating the Freedom Spirals of Core Intelligence & Intuition will deeply increase your ability to think with your heart and feel with your mind. As an evolutionary, your state of multidimensional reasoning is about to become clearer and more transformative. In this first activation session we will co-create the initial energy patterns for the dynamics of Core Wisdom. We will activate the Freedom Spirals to rebalance and raise the frequency of the right side fibers and the left side fibers within your Lattice. This will strengthen your ability to merge your intellect and intuition and use the wisdom you have gained through all your life experiences in a most positive way. You are beginning to build new foundations for your universal life cycle of the next 12 years within a larger 35-year cycle. We are “woke” as the saying goes, now we are ready to know . . . what we don’t know!

Session 2: Core Intelligence & Intuition Freedom Spirals, Phoenix Style! (Recorded)
Saturday January 25th 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST

Transmit! Activation for YOU and others.

The activation of the Freedom Spirals in Session 2 is transmitted directly to you by Peggy and Ahnya in a well-calibrated, final version at the highest level of coherence. Working with the energy patterns co-created in Session 1, the activation of the Freedom Spirals within the side fibers of your Lattice enhances the connection between your right brain and left brain. Your Core Wisdom establishes a new frequency and “language” for heart brain communication. This “language” opens your awareness to other ways your Being and body exchange information, including through your microbiome and skin. Multidimensional reasoning reveals more about how we communicate within ourselves and with one another through the field.

During this session you receive energy activations to increase the resonance of your Core Intelligence and Intuition. You will learn how to work with the Freedom Spirals, and then you will naturally and easily be able to transmit this activation of Core Intelligence and Intuition to others. The activation may be given as a gift to friends and family, or offered as a professional service to clients in your practice. You will receive a downloadable document of the dialog for you to complete the activation. This is a “Phoenix Style” energy tool, easy to do and profound in its effect!

Session 3: Core Intelligence & Intuition Freedom Spirals, Phoenix Style! (Recorded)
Saturday February 1st 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST

Teach! Activations and Alignments for YOU and others.

In this loving and honoring session, we will activate and calibrate the alignments to support and strengthen your Core Wisdom energy patterns. This session enables you to teach and transmit in a clear and simple way the activation of the Freedom Spirals. This activation raises the frequency of the fibers in your Lattice. The new frequency increases your ability to reason multidimensionally and live life energetically aware of the new language you are capable of understanding and “speaking”.

Those you teach will then be able to transmit this activation to others. The transmission may be a gift to friends and family, or an additional professional service to clients in your practice. You will receive a downloadable document with the complete instructions for transmitting the alignments in the same way Peggy transmitted them to you. You will also receive the PowerPoint program for this activation. This is a “Phoenix Style” energy tool, easy to use and profound in its effect!

In this time of the Great Evolution, you are a student and a teacher. Even if you are your only student, participating in these sessions increases your ability to communicate in the language of energy, both with others and within yourself. The energetic language of these activations and alignments is the primary way we communicate in these events. We are doing this, and we will continue to evolve our ability to speak in this way!

The Lattice Evolves Again! Core Wisdom & Freedom Spirals
A Master Activation Series
PART TWO: “Evolving Potentials & Freedom Spirals, Phoenix Style!”

Session 4: Evolving Potentials & Freedom Spirals, Phoenix Style! (Recorded)
Saturday February 15th 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST

Experience and Co-Create! Initial Activation for YOU.

In this part of the series, you will work with the energy patterns of new potentials by activating the Freedom Spirals to rebalance and raise the frequencies of the fibers in front of you within your Lattice. We will co-create the energy patterns of empowered new potentials with the extraordinary support of your Core Wisdom. You will use your state of multidimensional reasoning to discern what is appropriate for you now, and know how to achieve it. You will begin the new universal life cycles of 2020 with a clearer vision and understanding of why you are here now. You open your consciousness to knowing . . . you know!

Session 5: Evolving Potentials & Freedom Spirals, Phoenix Style! (Recorded)
Saturday February 22nd 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST

Transmit! Activation for YOU and others.

The activation of the Freedom Spirals in Session 5 is transmitted directly to you by Peggy and Ahnya in a well-calibrated, final version at the highest level of coherence. Working with the energy patterns co-created in Session 4, the activation of the Freedom Spirals within the front fibers of your Lattice will enable you to know and deeply express more of who you are. You may go beyond the old beliefs and limits of what is possible for you now. The resonance of your Core Wisdom opens doors to vast new realms of feeling and communication, bringing new and exciting opportunities in your practice of ascended mastery. The Universal Field is an infinite ocean, and as you practice this work you may choose to enter uncharted waters to discover and manifest the potentials that are truly yours.

During this session you receive energy activations to increase the resonance of your Core Wisdom. You will continue learning to work with the Freedom Spirals, and then you will naturally and easily be able to transmit this activation of Evolving Potentials to others. The activation may be given as a gift to friends and family, or offered as a professional service to clients in your practice. You will receive a downloadable document of the dialog for you to complete the activation. This is a “Phoenix Style” energy tool, easy to do and profound in its effect!

Session 6: Evolving Potentials & Freedom Spirals, Phoenix Style! (Recorded)
Saturday February 29th 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST

Teach! Activations and Alignments for YOU and others.

In this loving and honoring session, we will activate and calibrate the alignments to support and strengthen your Core Wisdom energy patterns. This session enables you to teach and transmit in a clear and simple way the activation of the Freedom Spirals. This activation raises the frequency of the fibers in your Lattice. The new frequency increases your ability to reason multidimensionally and live life energetically aware of the new potentials that are yours to co-create!

Those you teach will then be able to transmit this activation to others. The transmission may be a gift to friends and family, or an additional professional service to clients in your practice. You will receive a downloadable document with the complete instructions for transmitting the alignments in the same way Peggy transmitted them to you. You will also receive the PowerPoint program for this activation. This is a “Phoenix Style” energy tool, easy to use and profound in its effect!

In this time of the Great Evolution, you are a student and a teacher. Even if you are your only student, participating in these sessions increases your ability to communicate in the language of energy, both with others and within yourself. The energetic language of these activations and alignments is the primary way we communicate in these events. We are doing this, and we will continue to evolve our ability to understand and “speak” in this way!

The Lattice Evolves Again! Core Wisdom & Freedom Spirals
A Master Activation Series
PART THREE: “Evolving Foundations & Freedom Spirals, Phoenix Style!”

Session 7: Evolving Foundations & Freedom Spirals, Phoenix Style! (Recorded)
Saturday March 14th 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT

Experience and Co-Create! Initial Activation for YOU.

When you activated the Freedom Spirals in the front fibers of your Lattice, you prepared the way for the evolution of the new foundations appropriate to support you now. In this final part of the series we will activate the Freedom Spirals to rebalance and raise the frequencies of the back fibers within your Lattice. We will co-create the new energy patterns of Self-direction and Self-support. The evolution of your Lattice is your very own evolution, empowered by the activation of your Core Wisdom. Your ability to sustain your state of multidimensional reasoning as you live your daily life is a most important part of who you are now and . . . who you are to become. You are free from the limits of old energy patterns deep within your history, patterns that kept you in old cycles of repeating the same experiences that held you back. You are free to live in a part of the collective field that is open and clear, ready for the imprints of the new pioneers in consciousness . . . as knowing evolves, personally and collectively!

Session 8: Evolving Foundations & Freedom Spirals, Phoenix Style! (Recorded)
Saturday March 21st 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT

Transmit! Activation for YOU and others.

This activation in Session 8 is transmitted directly to you by Peggy and Ahnya in a well-calibrated, final version at the highest level of coherence. Working with the energy patterns co-created in Session 7, the activation of the Freedom Spirals in the fibers behind you within your Lattice recalibrates the patterns of your history, your story, into positively usable energy. The resonance of your Core Wisdom initiates new expressions of multidimensional reasoning, and transforms your perceptions regarding the energy of your history. Your new perceptions reveal the appropriateness of past choices you have made, and set powerful foundations for the decisions and choices you make with greater wisdom now. You “know” you are also a part of the collective, and the Evolving Foundations you co-create to benefit yourself also have a beneficial effect on the collective.

During this session you receive energy activations to increase the resonance of your Core Wisdom. You will continue to learn how to work with the Freedom Spirals, and then you will naturally and easily be able to transmit this activation of Evolving Foundations to others. The activation may be given as a gift to friends and family, or offered as a professional service to clients in your practice. You will receive a downloadable document of the dialog for you to complete the activation. This is a “Phoenix Style” energy tool, easy to do and profound in its effect!

Session 9: Evolving Foundations & Freedom Spirals, Phoenix Style!
Saturday March 28th 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT

Teach! Activations and Alignments for YOU and others.

In this loving and honoring session, we will activate and calibrate the alignments to support and strengthen your Core Wisdom energy patterns. This session enables you to teach and transmit in a clear and simple way the activation of the Freedom Spirals. This activation raises the frequency of the fibers in your Lattice. The new frequency increases your ability to reason multidimensionally and live life energetically aware of the new foundations that give positive support to you in the new cycles of your life.

Those you teach will then be able to transmit this activation to others. The transmission may be a gift to friends and family, or an additional professional service to clients in your practice. You will receive a downloadable document with the complete instructions for transmitting the alignments in the same way Peggy transmitted them to you. You will also receive the PowerPoint program for this activation. This is a “Phoenix Style” energy tool, easy to use and profound in its effect!

In this time of the Great Evolution, you are a student and a teacher. Even if you are your only student, participating in these sessions increases your ability to communicate in the language of energy, both with others and within yourself. The energetic language of these activations and alignments is the primary way we communicate in these events. We are doing this, and we will continue to evolve our ability to understand and “speak” in this way!

If you choose to participate in all 9 sessions of the series, you will receive a Certificate of Recognition as a Master Activator for this very special series.

1Private Facebook page – continuing support in the presence of one another, and in the presence of Peggy!


The Lattice Evolves Again! Core Wisdom & Freedom Spirals
A Master Activation Series:

“Core Intelligence & Intuition Freedom Spirals, Phoenix Style!”
Saturdays January 18, 25, February 1
- Tuition: $155.00

“Evolving Potentials & Freedom Spirals, Phoenix Style!”
Saturdays February 15, 22, 29 &
“Evolving Foundations & Freedom Spirals, Phoenix Style!”
Saturdays March 14, 21, 28
- Tuition: $310.00

Bundle of all 9 Sessions:
- Tuition: $444 ($465 value)

Payment Plans available:

Payment Plan for Sessions 1-3 “Core Intelligence & Intuition Freedom Spirals, Phoenix Style!”: 3 x 55.00 = $165.00:
Go to this link for SESSIONS 1-3 “Core Intelligence & Intuition Freedom Spirals, Phoenix Style!” payment plan
Payment Plan for Sessions 4-9 “Evolving Potentials & Freedom Spirals, Phoenix Style! and Evolving Foundations & Freedom Spirals, Phoenix Style!”: 6 x 55.00 = $330.00:
Go to this link for SESSIONS 4-9 “Evolving Potentials & Freedom Spirals, Phoenix Style! and Evolving Foundations & Freedom Spirals, Phoenix Style!” payment plan
Payment Plan for Bundle of 9 Sessions: 4 x 122.00 = $488.00:
Go to this link for BUNDLE OF 9 SESSIONS payment plan
NOTE: 1st payment due immediately. Subsequent payments charged beginning one month after 1st payment.
Note: after you make the 1st payment at PayPal, we will email you information on how to participate in the training within 24 hours.

NEXT WEBINAR: Session 9: Evolving Foundations & Freedom Spirals, Phoenix Style!
Saturday March 28th 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT
Can't make it live, register anyway and receive the recording!

- Arizona, Los Angeles 11:00AM
- Denver, Mexico City 12:00 noon
- Chicago, Peru, Colombia 1:00PM
- New York, Bolivia 2:00PM
- Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil (São Paulo), Chile 3:00PM
- Newfoundland 3:30PM
- UK, Portugal 18:00
- Amsterdam, Spain, France, Germany 19:00
- Athens 20:00
- Moscow, Istanbul, Tel Aviv 21:00
- Abu Dhabi 22:00
- Jakarta 1:00AM (+ 1 day)
- Perth 2:00AM (+ 1 day)
- Brisbane 4:00AM (+ 1 day)
- Auckland 7:00AM (+ 1 day)

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"There is a shift happening in the 3rd dimension that appears to be filled with change, fear, anxiety, and uncertainty. However, when you look at this shift in a quantum way, it includes healing, a balance of life, and even mastery. Looking through the lens of the Lattice is the quantum tool that will support you as you come to know yourself as the Quantum One throughout all the layers of your DNA. Oh, but we'll leave it to the teacher, Peggy, to tell you about this. [Kryon wink]"
Lee Carroll - Author, The Twelve Layers of DNA (An Esoteric Study of the Mastery Within)

“Peggy’s innovative work with the field of all life leads us to the place in ourselves where love, healing, and peace begin. Her techniques are practical, effective, and they work!”
Gregg Braden – Author of The Isaiah Effect, The God Code, The Divine Matrix, Deep Truth, The Turning Point

”Peggy sees humanity differently than most … she looks at you without judgment, and she looks at other teachers and other energy modalities without judgment. For she understands the integrity and the intent of the heart. And so it is that there has been no accident that this profound teacher is here today on the planet.”
Lee Carroll – Author of the Kryon material

“Peggy is a genuine and powerful voice for unity. Her love of humanity is unmistakable, unquestionable, and without question part of the age of empowerment in the family of humanity.”
Steve Rother - Author & Channel for The Group

“I met Peggy in Banff Canada in 1997, and received one of the most amazing healings of my life. The energy was utterly astonishing,so pure, so potent and so balancing...”
James Tyberonn - Author & Channel for Archangel Metatron

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