Recalibrate through the PEACE Cycle!
Energy snowflakes! No other energy like you has ever existed here before. You are now free to raise the resonance of your unique energetic expression to the highest level . “From the Phoenix within me, to the Phoenix within you, let us raise the resonance of the energy of love” … this is a vital essence of evolution!
Please join Peggy Phoenix Dubro for the full cycle of FOUR Phoenix Energy And Coherence Events. They promise to be an extraordinary experience of transformation as we become all that we really are…personally and globally!
WEBINAR - “Frequencies of Infinite Love - Recalibration!”
Presented by Peggy Phoenix Dubro
Presented in English with Spanish translation
Three part course includes 3 video recordings and access to private Facebook support page1
Let us join together in our Phoenix energy as our journey continues along the path of Infinite Love. These events are offered for you to acknowledge the limiting imprints we all have acquired throughout the developmental stages of our life and then go beyond them as we recalibrate through the Infinite imprints of our authentic being. Here is where we are going now:
Part One | “Home Sweet Home”
The matriarchal energies of the Infinite Self nurture the co creative potential within the Infinite Child imprint. The alignments of this event expand your energetic coherence supporting the expression of your new bandwidth of emotions. The attributes of trust and security encourage you to make home where ever you are. Phoenix Insights and Inspirations group energy session included.
Part Two | “Infinite Love Made Visible”
How do you express the energy of Infinite Love? Is your life “love made visible”? The Infinite Child matures into the Infinite Teenager and now contemplates what is it that motivates the heart, what does it mean “to love what you do and do what you love”. The spirit of adventure and possibility is renewed! Phoenix Insights and Inspirations group energy session included.
Part Three | “Being of Service, Talents, Skills, and Abilities”
With compassion and confidence the Infinite Teenager makes a quantum leap to Infinite Young Adult. The talents, skills, and abilities are to be offered to the world. The Infinite Young Adult balances these yet to be fully developed offerings with a sense of purpose and persistence. Courage comes naturally! Phoenix Insights and Inspirations group energy session included.
1Private Facebook page – 22 days of continuing support in the presence of one another, and in the presence of Peggy!
"There is a shift happening in the 3rd dimension that appears to be filled with change, fear, anxiety, and uncertainty. However, when you look at this shift in a quantum way, it includes healing, a balance of life, and even mastery. Looking through the lens of the Lattice is the quantum tool that will support you as you come to know yourself as the Quantum One throughout all the layers of your DNA. Oh, but we'll leave it to the teacher, Peggy, to tell you about this. [Kryon wink]"
Lee Carroll - Author, The Twelve Layers of DNA (An Esoteric Study of the Mastery Within)
“Peggy’s innovative work with the field of all life leads us to the place in ourselves where love, healing, and peace begin. Her techniques are practical, effective, and they work!”
Gregg Braden – Author of The Isaiah Effect, The God Code, The Divine Matrix, Deep Truth, The Turning Point
”Peggy sees humanity differently than most … she looks at you without judgment, and she looks at other teachers and other energy modalities without judgment. For she understands the integrity and the intent of the heart. And so it is that there has been no accident that this profound teacher is here today on the planet.”
Lee Carroll – Author of the Kryon material
“Peggy is a genuine and powerful voice for unity. Her love of humanity is unmistakable, unquestionable, and without question part of the age of empowerment in the family of humanity.”
Steve Rother - Author & Channel for The Group
“I met Peggy in Banff Canada in 1997, and received one of the most amazing healings of my life. The energy was utterly astonishing,so pure, so potent and so balancing...”
James Tyberonn - Author & Channel for Archangel Metatron